I have been using Strip Contoller for over a year wth no issues. Then all of a sudden I couldn't access the strip controller via the wled app, all my automation stopped working. I am wondering what could have happened? Does it update itself?
Update: I was able to connect to WLED_AP after I disconnected the strip lights and switched off my router. I factory resetted the controller but it didn't help as well.
I wanted to update to latest software through OTA and was using WLED_0.14.0_ESP02.bin as well as WLED_0.14.0_ESP02.bin.gz but updates fail.
Any guidance?
No.. because it still shows WLED_0000000 or WLED_f2afad (factory reset) and the version is WLED SR 0.13.2 so it didn't update,