I am looking for a Zigbee coordinator that I can communicate with from my own developed home server and control Zigbee devices around the house. I need to communicate directly from my home server to the coordinator either using TCP or HTTP commands, to get list of connected devices, get device status, a device can inform me on a change (e.g. door opened), etc.
I have seen the product “Zigbee Gateway & Bluetooth Proxy For ESPHome”, SKU: ZG01-ESP-EU. Does it support direct communication as I need? If not, can I put on it the Tasmota Zigbee software (how to, and how to use)?
Someone else also posted in this forum about using zigbee2tasmota as well so they could use tasmota firmware to directly return responses instead of using zigbee2mqtt. You can look in this forum to see the post.
But always remember that the coordinator does not hold the state of any device. This is why I recommended using zigbee2mqtt and an MQTT server. This way all the heavy lifting has been done for you and you can focus just on your automation software.
I assume you are trying to write an alternative to home assistant. If not, you should check this out because it’s a very mature platform.