I messed up the WiFi password. Correct SSID, but wrong password. Bulb is not accessible now. Tried 7 fast power cycle, no changes, can't see bulb in LAN, bulb is not in WiFi AP mode.
Any other way to recover bulb short of serial flashing?
That reminds me of a time when I was working on an embroidery digitizing project and ran into a similar kind of tech frustration—except mine was with a computerized embroidery machine. I had loaded the correct design file but accidentally selected the wrong stitch settings, causing the machine to misinterpret the pattern. Just like your WiFi setup issue with the Athom RGBW bulb, I had to troubleshoot and reset the machine to get it working again. Hopefully, there's a workaround for your bulb that doesn’t require serial flashing—maybe a factory reset or a different power cycle timing? Technology can be tricky, whether it's smart lighting or embroidery digitizing, but there's usually a solution hidden somewhere!
Same thing here, except I put the SSID and passphrase in correctly. Apparently special characters in SSID or passphrase are unsupported.
If entering special characters in SSID or passphrase lead to a soft brick in these devices, then form validation should prevent you from entering those characters during configuration.
At the very least, the fast power cycling reset needs to be an option.
Thanks @athom. I did manage to serial flash one bulb I messed up using the very well marked test points on the AJW-05_8285 board of the bulb in this post:
Thanks for this very helpful pcb marking and pinout on this board, though!
Hoping there is an easier way to recover from common (stupid user) error of entering correct SSID but wrong password. Getting to the AJW-05_8285 board is a pain, reserved for last resort before giving up. This error was made on a factory fresh Athom RGBW bulb.
That reminds me of a time when I was working on an embroidery digitizing project and ran into a similar kind of tech frustration—except mine was with a computerized embroidery machine. I had loaded the correct design file but accidentally selected the wrong stitch settings, causing the machine to misinterpret the pattern. Just like your WiFi setup issue with the Athom RGBW bulb, I had to troubleshoot and reset the machine to get it working again. Hopefully, there's a workaround for your bulb that doesn’t require serial flashing—maybe a factory reset or a different power cycle timing? Technology can be tricky, whether it's smart lighting or embroidery digitizing, but there's usually a solution hidden somewhere!
Same thing here, except I put the SSID and passphrase in correctly. Apparently special characters in SSID or passphrase are unsupported.
If entering special characters in SSID or passphrase lead to a soft brick in these devices, then form validation should prevent you from entering those characters during configuration.
At the very least, the fast power cycling reset needs to be an option.
I did the same thing! What a pain to fix it. 😒
Thanks @athom. I did manage to serial flash one bulb I messed up using the very well marked test points on the AJW-05_8285 board of the bulb in this post:
Thanks for this very helpful pcb marking and pinout on this board, though!
Hoping there is an easier way to recover from common (stupid user) error of entering correct SSID but wrong password. Getting to the AJW-05_8285 board is a pain, reserved for last resort before giving up. This error was made on a factory fresh Athom RGBW bulb.