Done. Took about 3 hours and felt like I nearly broke things but it's working, all up to date with Debian 11 and newest node.js and newest homebridge and UI. Thanks again.
Tip for anyone else - I used chatgpt to help fill in gaps of my knowledge and to sense check decisions/info coming out of Terminus
I used a tutorial to update from Linux 10 to 11. After this I updated the Node.js Version. The progress it's a little bit long but for me worked perfectly. To connect remotly from my computer to homebridge athom I used the app Termius (with mac), on windows will be Putty. The pass is on docx document and also how to connect. Afetr update to linux 11 I updated the node.js, the command to did this I found on google searching how to update. But you will find easily.
Done. Took about 3 hours and felt like I nearly broke things but it's working, all up to date with Debian 11 and newest node.js and newest homebridge and UI. Thanks again.
Tip for anyone else - I used chatgpt to help fill in gaps of my knowledge and to sense check decisions/info coming out of Terminus
That is really kind of you to share this post, links, method and screenshots - you increase my hope in humanity!
I'll give this a thorough go - I don't mind a little challenge.
I used a tutorial to update from Linux 10 to 11. After this I updated the Node.js Version. The progress it's a little bit long but for me worked perfectly. To connect remotly from my computer to homebridge athom I used the app Termius (with mac), on windows will be Putty. The pass is on docx document and also how to connect. Afetr update to linux 11 I updated the node.js, the command to did this I found on google searching how to update. But you will find easily.
Same here. Want to update the operating system but need help - How to do it with this Orange Pi Zero.